So, it's over! Like a wedding you spend months preparing for, the Urban Market has come and gone in a flash. My husband and I are both pretty tired from an exhausting weekend of pre and post market activities, but we had a ton of fun in the process. The Urban Market brought out a great crowd. We even had a line of people waiting to get in at 9:00 am! The flow of people was pretty steady throughout the day and we sold quite a few things. I am thinking about possibly selling some of the things that are left here on the blog.

My favorite thing about the day was seeing several blogger friends who came to say hi and to lend their support, including Courtney of Under a Paper Moon, Sarah of Jeune MariƩ, Lauren of Material Girls and Joni of Cote de Texas. I also loved the countless people who came by to tell me that they are fans of my blog! I chatted with several of them for quite a while and thought everyone was really sweet. It is still a little surreal to think that people actually read my blog and I am incredibly flattered to have such amazing readers!

A huge thank you to my dear husband, Fabian for his unwavering support and for doing all of the heavy lifting as well as to my awesome booth partner, Carolina of Carolina Eclectic. I had so much fun doing the show with you!

My Ikat Chairs

A Few More Chairs in My Booth

A Pair of Knoll Brno Flat Bar Chairs in My Booth

Carolina's side of the booth was filled with tons of cool accessories, vintage finds, and mid-century furniture.

Carolina's super cool military trunk and feeding troughs are in the foreground; my chairs are in the background.

The biggest downside of having a booth at the Urban Market is the fact that it doesn't really allow you the time to explore the booths the way you would as a shopper. I usually love going into every single booth and normally take lots of pictures. This time around, I was only able to take some pictures of our booth and of a couple of booths on the way to the bathroom.

My Sweet Friend, Sally Wheat's Booth

Our Neighbor's Booth- I think four or five women shared this space. A few of them have booths at Memorial Antiques and Interiors.


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