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Thirty seems to be an age that some people approach with fear or dread. No longer in our twenties, are we suddenly old? If you’d asked me five or ten years ago—maybe even a year ago, I may have cringed a little bit at the thought of reaching this milestone birthday. However, things have changed. Today marks my thirtieth birthday and I am totally okay with it. In fact, I feel really good about it. I am proud of where I am in my life and am happy with the person I have become. Since graduating college, I’ve tried a few careers out for size and I have finally found the perfect fit. I am so thankful to be doing what I love and to hold a position that suits me so well at a company that I have loved for years, but I am just as thankful for everything that has not worked out along the way. Even when I have failed, I have been able to take something away from the experience—knowledge, growth, new skills, perspective.

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I’ve realized that life is really about how you look at things-- how you handle challenges, obstacles, and opportunities that come your way. Perspective. Sure, there are things that I would have liked to achieve by age thirty or things that at a younger age I thought would have definitely happened by now, like starting a family. However, my journey has been different and that’s okay. All in good time. I’ve been willing to take a few risks and have trusted that my journey is leading me where I belong. Today, I am grateful to have a wonderful husband who loves me and supports me unconditionally. I am grateful for our home and our sweet pup who has taught me how special a dog’s love is. I am thankful for family and fantastic friends. And I am thankful for you. Thank you for reading what I have to say and for encouraging and supporting me along the way. You are a huge part of why I feel that turning thirty can actually be fabulous!


{Images via Pinterest}


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