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When much of your life revolves around design, whether through work or through personal interest, it’s hard to ignore when new trends pop up. I am not someone who is averse to trends, though I am selective about the ones that I embrace and I usually pair them with classic pieces, whether in my wardrobe or in my décor. However, this week, I’ve seen some comments in the blogosphere about people who are completely against trends or who find it contrived to use too many at once. I think personal style is about knowing what to pick and choose, not being a slave to whatever the fashion and shelter magazines are deeming to be on trend. At the end of the day, you should buy what you love.

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Anyhow, this all leads to a question-- I would love to know which trends you’ve had enough of and what you would like to see more of. As I head to High Point tomorrow, it will be interesting to see what is new in interior design, furnishings, and accessories and what feels like an old record being played over again. I’d love to hear your perspective on trends in both interior design and fashion. What are you over and what are you wholeheartedly embracing that you don’t think you’ll get tired of?


{Images via Pinterest}


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