Hey, everyone! This is Jess from The Love List. My favorite room, if I'm honest, is my bedroom. Yes, there are rooms in my house that are tidier (my office), more well-decorated (my dining room), but truly, my bedroom is my sanctuary. To be more specific, my side of the bedroom. The more I think about it, the more I feel like it's a metaphor for where I'm at in my life. If you could see the left side of my bed, it's not nearly as interesting. Maybe that's my sub-conscious single girl waiting for someone to claim it... or maybe it's just because I reach for stuff more on the right. Whatever the reason, so many things I love are within reach of my (unkempt) bed. The gentle touches; photos of favorite memories and people I am fond of, mementos from family and travel, an expensive candle to light on the nights I treat myself to alone time... and then, there are the "real" things. A wine bottle opener for "those" days, stationery for penning thank you notes, stacks of magazines I don't have time to read, and my Jawbone Jambox for blasting The Alabama Shakes (good day,) Father John Misty (busy day,) or Louis Armstrong (quiet night.) Mary McDonald I am not, but it's warm, inviting, filled with wafting tunes and smells like heaven. And right now? That's enough for this girl.


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