It really is crazy how quickly time flies as we get older. It's hard to believe that I will be turning 32 on Monday. I certainly don't feel 32! Where has time gone? My husband always asks me to put together a birthday wish list so he has a better idea of what to get me. I guess that after 12 years together, it's become more challenging to think of gifts he hasn't already gotten me. There are a few items below that I have my eye on, but 
beyond anything material, my birthday wish is for our darling dog, Tate to feel better soon. He injured himself jumping onto our bed late Saturday night and after spending most of Sunday at the vet, we don't have a definitive diagnosis. He doesn't have any broken bones, but his X-rays showed a lumbar disc that has morphed in shape over time. It could be completely unrelated and he may have just strained a muscle or the disc could be pinching  a cluster of nerves and causing the pain and lameness in his hind leg. It is so sad to see him in pain and not acting like himself. If he isn't feeling better by the end of the week, we'll have to see a specialist for a CT Scan and may have to prepare ourselves to discuss surgery. For my birthday, I just ask that you please keep Tate in your thoughts so that he may have a speedy and simple recovery. Thank you, dear readers!


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