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I learned a lot in 2011 and while I am grateful for those lessons, I am welcoming 2012 with open arms. It’s nice to have a new year and a fresh start, isn’t it? In 2011, I learned the true meaning of trust, friendship, courage, and the importance of picking yourself up off the ground after falling flat on your face. It taught me that you can have everything in the world, but if you don’t have your health, none of it means a damn thing. I learned that sometimes we can be harder on ourselves than anyone else is on us. I haven’t quite learned to truly let go—of the things I cannot control, of the pain resulting from failures, of the things about myself and others that drive me nuts, but I am working on it and will continue to do so in 2012. I want to learn to live in the present and not overanalyze the past of agonize over the future. I’m sure it’s easier said than done, but I plan to give it my best shot!
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{This year, I hope to continue to challenge myself creatively and maybe explore a couple of new projects.}
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{I resolve to be courageous and meet challenges head on, even when they seem a little daunting at first glance.}
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{I resolve to remain true to my inner voice and continue to trust that I am on the path that is meant for me.}
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{I’d like to take time to celebrate small victories and enjoy the small moments in life—after all, these are the things that give life meaning.}

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{I plan to really make the time to take care of myself by eating better, moving more, stressing less, and laughing more often.}

{This one pretty much sums up my aspirations for the year. Oh Gandhi…such a wise fellow!}
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{I hope to continue living in the faith that the best is truly yet to come.}

No matter what your resolutions may be for 2012, I hope that you are able to accomplish them. Thank you for another year of friendship, readership, and support. You all inspire me beyond measure and I can only hope to inspire you if even in the slightest way. I wish you all the best this year!


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