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Last week, while I was home resting after my surgery, I tortured myself by watching a few episodes of “Celebrity Ghost Stories” on the Bio channel. I am very intrigued by stories of hauntings and ghosts, but I am also a complete chicken, which is obviously a very bad combination! I haven’t watched a scary movie in ages and typically avoid shows about anything frightening because I’ll be up all night, trying to sleep with the lamp on in our bedroom. Anyhow, I love historic homes for the architecture, charm, and of course, history, but watching these shows really got me thinking-- If money were no object, what would my dream home consist of? I used to say that I’d love to have a grand old house from the 1930s and renovate it, keeping the original charm, but adding all of the comforts of modern living. After hearing all of these ghost stories, I am now thinking my dream home may be a brand new house built with some of the architectural details you’d find in a historic property. I know this is all pretty ridiculous, but it got me wondering whether you all have strong feelings on buying a newly built home versus an older home. If you live in an older home, does your house have an intriguing history? Do tell: would you prefer to purchase a brand new home or a historic home? Do things like possible hauntings factor into your search for a home? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!


{Image Source: Ferguson & Shamamian Architects}


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