{Image via Vogue.com}

Thank you so much to everyone who has left comments and sent e-mails asking about my recovery from my gallbladder removal surgery last Thursday. I am sorry that I haven't been able to blog much this week, but it was probably for the best considering that I spent the past several days in a nauseous daze from the hydrocodone I was given for my pain. I have gone from taking it three times a day to just one at bedtime since Wednesday and have felt significantly better. I've done my best to rest in order to let my body heal and must admit that the mental break from "unplugging" for a few days has been pretty nice, too. Each day, I steadily feel stronger and more like my normal self.

But enough about me! Isn't this entryway gorgeous? It belongs to the beautiful actress Amanda Peet and serves as the perfect introduction to her stunning 1930s Los Angeles home. I love the mix of textures, the rich wood tones, and the lovely starkness of the space. It's warm, chic minimalism-- I'm usually more of a maximalist, but I really like that there aren't a million things crammed into the space or a ton of features or details competing for one's attention. Instead, there's an inviting, well lived-in bohemian mix of furniture, a fabulous vintage pink rug, and just enough accessories. How do you feel about this space?

Have a wonderful weekend! I will be back to blogging in full force on Monday!


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