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Can you believe it’s already June? I swear, the older I get, the faster each year goes by. Not to mention, it seems like the Houston summers get hotter and hotter each year. We are already experiencing temperatures in the mid 90s and the summer is only beginning. Fabian and I went to test drive a potential new car for him on Saturday afternoon and the heat was ungodly. Note to self—don’t shop for cars in the summer! Complaints about the heat aside, I’ve always loved the summer season. It always seems to bring lovely indulgences—a much needed vacation, a fleeting romance, ice cream and other frosty treats. I would love to know what your summertime guilty pleasures are. Poolside cocktails every evening? A summer fling? Gelato every night of the week? Three nights of back to back “Real Housewives” shows? Getting more sun than we really should? What do you indulge in when summer rolls around?

{Image via Pinterest}


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