Hello! Melanie Duncan here from the Entrepreneuress Academy with this month's Strategies for Success.

I'm am sure that a lot of you out there are familiar with the fabulously addicting (and inspiring platform) Pinterest, but are you aware of the benefits that it can have for your business and brand?

Pinterest is now the 4th largest traffic driver worldwide and it's referring double the revenue per click than Facebook and almost 4x the revenue per click than Twitter!

And if that's not enough...

Want to learn the best way to get started using Pinterest for your business?

1. CONVERT your existing account or create a new official business account by going to business.pinterest.com.

2. Make sure that you have VERIFIED the website on your account so that you can get a big link at the top of your page. You can see a full tutorial of how to do this HERE.

3. Start pinning valuable ORIGINAL CONTENT like products, tutorials, infographics, checklists and videos that link back to your site. Over 80% of the pins on Pinterest are repins, which means to maximize your ability to get traffic, clients and customers you need to be a CONTENT CREATOR.

Pinterest can be used to promote not only product based businesses but also, service based business and blogs!

Sign up for my free training on how to use Pinterest for your business for more in-depth strategies and content creation ideas HERE.

Until next month!xx



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